Since 2010, the company has invested in high quality residential real estate, seeking out properties that generate attractive return on investment via annual rental income as well as opportunity for significant long-term appreciation.
Acquisitions of operating businesses also add value to the company. As we evaluate opportunities, the critical attributes we demand are durable competitive strengths; capable and competent management; attractive returns on the net tangible assets required to operate the business; opportunities for internal growth at attractive returns; and a fair purchase price.
Our long-term economic goal is to maximize the company's annual rate of gain in underlying business value.
Our preference is to achieve our goal by directly owning a diversified group of real estate and businesses that generate cash and consistently earn above-average returns on capital.
We uphold the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity in all types of transactions and interactions.
We approach each investment as an opportunity to develop meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with everyone involved.
We behave honestly and ethically at all times and with all people. We act in good faith and with due care toward all our customers, colleagues, suppliers, and competitors.
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